Georgia-Ireland Business Council
საქართველო-ირლანდიის ბიზნეს საბჭო
Situated on the Silk Road, as an entrepôt to the Caucuses and beyond, with a population of 4 million Georgia is an emerging nation with a national policy pro-actively developing its open economy with EU support.
Georgia’s competitive advantage is its geopolitical location. Positioned at the very south-east of continental Europe, on the ancient “Silk Road” trading route between Europe and Asia Georgia serves as a gateway, an access point for EU enterprises to enter Asian markets and as a platform for any businesses to operate in the broader region.
Georgia is ranked in 7th place globally by the World Bank Ease of Doing Business index and as the 12th freest economy in the world by the Heritage Foundation.
On its path to EU integration Georgia has entered into an Association Agreement with the EU to approximate institutions and regulations to meet the requirements, standards and demands of the EU and affording Georgian citizens a visa free regime with Schengen states since March 2017.
Among the many advantages of doing business in and with Georgia are the Free Economic Zones, the Avoidance of Double Taxation Treaties with 52 countries including Ireland and the many significant incentives offered by the Government as part of its pro-active policies for economic development.
On its path to EU integration Georgia has entered into an Association Agreement with the EU to approximate institutions and regulations to meet the requirements, standards and demands of the EU and affording Georgian citizens a visa free regime with Schengen states since March 2017.
The English language is a mandatory subject in all Georgian schools and is the second spoken language in Georgia. With this fluency in the English language among its young, enthusiastic and highly educated workforce, Georgia plugs in to the global economy through its easy and friendly business environment, with a simplified system of flat-rate and low taxes.
For more information on investment opportunities in Georgia, visit: INVEST IN GEORGIA
For more information on travel and tourism in Georigia, visit: Georgia Travel
Georgian Adventure
Georgian Food Adventure
Winter in Georgia
Summer in Georgia
Investment Opportunities